Joseph & Lindsey - S27

Joseph & Lindsey
Joseph & Lindsey - S27
Mar 17, 2022
Joseph C.E.M. Ramirez, Lindsey E.M. Wright

Watch Joseph & Lindsey - S27 Free Online

Joseph & Lindsey - S27

Seasons (58)

Episodes (12)

1. Avery's Birthday2. Avery's Girlfriend3. Don't let William know4. Preparing for Date5. Gotta Hide6. Courtney Meets William7. The Rumors8. The Annoyance9. Courtney's Bodyguard10. William Gets Jumped Once Again.. and It Was a Good Beating Too11. Avery Can Have Her!12. Untrusted Love

Synopsis Joseph & Lindsey - S27

Avery's friend Courtney relocates from Plot Benning to Plotagon City in order to express her love to Avery. After that, Avery accepts her date request, and the two of them start dating. Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the crew, including Avery and Courtney, try everything they can to keep Avery and Courtney's love hidden from the public and their enemy, William, who will be jealous and try to break them up and make Courtney his girlfriend. Because William doesn't know Courtney and is jealous of her dating Avery, this will irritate Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the group.

  • Joseph C.E.M. Ramirez
  • Lindsey E.M. Wright

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