She Was So Pretty

She Was So Pretty
She Was So Pretty
Jun 24, 2016
Amanda Butler, Garrett Chewning, Justin Ewing, Whitlee Flinn, Jerry Larew, Elvis McComas, Chris Parsons, Natasha Parsons

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She Was So Pretty

Synopsis She Was So Pretty

Valerie Vestron, is looking for a vacation from her life. Her friends have a plan to get her out of the house and get her to a secluded cabin. They plan to throwback some beer, and unwind, for the weekend, but they get more than they bargained for.

  • Dirt Candy Productions
  • Amanda Butler
  • Garrett Chewning
  • Justin Ewing
  • Whitlee Flinn
  • Jerry Larew
  • Elvis McComas
  • Chris Parsons
  • Natasha Parsons

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